With the #SafeHomeAndEducation #NoPoverty campaign we hope to raise 2500 euros over the next two weeks. Will you help?
With the money we support 50 street children in Kumasi leave the streets, return to their families in the north of Ghana and access education. Their families receive guidance in caring for their children and support to send them to school. The girls can choose to return to primary/secondary education or to follow vocational training in a trade as a dressmaker, hairdresser, caterer, electrician, repairer of technical equipment, etc. The support is provided for three years so that the children are able to graduate from high school or complete vocational training with a nationally recognized certificate.
The promotion runs until the theme week of #GivingEveryTuesday and ends on June 20.
This action is part of the program:
Promoting Child Rights and Equal Opportunities: Breaking the vicious cycle of poverty for street connected children in Ghana.
This three-year program is a combination of direct assistance to street children, awareness-raising and inclusion of their families and local communities, and lobbying & advocacy with regional and national governments in Ghana. The project reaches 1500+ street children and aims to bring about structural changes in the communities in Northern Ghana where most children come from through an integrated approach.
We do this by tackling the root causes of streetism, such as poverty, child neglect and abuse. The families of the children, their communities, local and national leaders are actively involved in the activities and are encouraged to take ownership of the problems and the solutions themselves. Cooperation is also sought with other aid organizations that work for street children in the various regions in Ghana, in order to make an impact at a national level.
The major advantage of the multi-year approach is a continuous implementation of the activities, more coherence and therefore more impact.